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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Definition of Climatology

Climatology is a significant branch of Physical Geography. The term Climatology is derived from two greek words "klima"and "logos" 'klima' means slope of the earth and 'logos' means a discourse of study. Here slope of the earth refers to our conception of latitude.
Climatology may be defined as the scientific study of climate. It is the study of the varieties climates found on the earth and their distribution over it's surface.
According to H. J. Critchfield, "Climatology is the science which studies the nature of climate, the causes and interpretation of its spatial variations and its association with the elements of natural environment and human activities".
According to Oxford Dictionary of Geography, "Climatology is the study of the climates of the earth, their origin and their role as elements of tge natural environment".
According to Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, "Climatology is the branch of atmospheric science concerned with describing climate and analyzing the causes and practical consequences of atmospheric differences and changes".
According to Austin Miller, "Climatology as that branch of science which discusses the average condition of weather".
Accordin to Riley and Spolton, "The science of climatology as the study of the weather conditions over a longer period".

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